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List Cross-form Values

1. Create Setup Custom Form

1a. Create your Setup form:


Note: use TextArea component as editor!

1b. Create and copy Data item to clipboard (i.e. myNastavovatkoValuesArea in this case)

2. Set Setup Custom Form

2a. Open ActivityPanel's Layout designer on your context, add FormView application and select our Setup form from step 1


2b. Open your context and set some values (test case)


3. Create View Custom Form

WARNING: use ContextualCombo instead of basic Combobox! and Folder selector as Context selector


3a. Create your View form

FYI: ComboBoxContextual get values from context (selected by Folder selector) by selected FormItemName.

Make pair Folder selector <-> ComboBoxContextual

Folder selector setup: (Identificator required!)


ComboBoxContextual setup: (Identificator and FormItemName required!)


3b. Select FormItemName created in step 1b:


3c. Script setup (make combo-context pair)

Note: You can use one of Ready-to-use Scripts - check attachments (3context-3combo.txt in this case)


3d. Validate your script


4. Set View Custom Form

4a. Open ActivityPanel's Layout designer on your context, add FormView application and select our View form from step 3


4b. Open your context:

(1) Select any context

(2) Select value from another form


Done, good job.

  • One context selector with one combobox
getComp("myCombo").contextId = getComp("contextSelector").valueId;

this.createListener("contextSelector", "change", changeContextHandler);

function changeContextHandler(evt:Object):void
    getComp("myCombo").contextId = getComp("contextSelector").valueId;
  • One context selector with three comboboxes
getComp("firstCombo").contextId = getComp("contextSelector").valueId;
getComp("secondCombo").contextId = getComp("contextSelector").valueId;
getComp("thirdCombo").contextId = getComp("contextSelector").valueId;

this.createListener("contextSelector", "change", changeContextHandler);

function changeContextHandler(evt:Object):void
    var contextId:String = String(getComp("contextSelector").valueId);
    getComp("firstCombo").contextId = contextId;
    getComp("secondCombo").contextId = contextId;
    getComp("thirdCombo").contextId = contextId;
  • Three context selectors with three comboboxes
getComp("firstCombo").contextId = getComp("firstContextSelector").valueId;
getComp("secondCombo").contextId = getComp("secondContextSelector").valueId;
getComp("thirdCombo").contextId = getComp("thirdContextSelector").valueId;

this.createListener("firstContextSelector", "change", changeFirstContextHandler);
this.createListener("secondContextSelector", "change", changeSecondContextHandler);
this.createListener("thirdContextSelector", "change", changeThirdContextHandler);

function changeFirstContextHandler(evt:Object):void
    getComp("firstCombo").contextId = getComp("firstContextSelector").valueId;

function changeSecondContextHandler(evt:Object):void
    getComp("secondCombo").contextId = getComp("secondContextSelector").valueId;

function changeThirdContextHandler(evt:Object):void
    getComp("thirdCombo").contextId = getComp("thirdContextSelector").valueId;