Time Tracker
This lesson shows how to track time based on tasks assigned to Solvers.
Atollon Time Tracker is used to measure time spent on solving tasks. Time measured by Time Tracker is entered into Time Sheet. It is adviced to confirm the resulting every day using Time Sheet confirmation tool.
Display Time Tracker & Tasks at the same time
Display tasks & Time Tracker on the same screen. Time Tracker is placed as widget on Atollon's side bar.
Drag & Drop Task to Time Tracker
Select the task using mouse & move it on top of the Time Tracker widget.
Time Tracker starts counting time spend on solving the task.
Interrupt current Task
You can interrupt the task either by starting to solve other task or by pausing current task. To pause current task, just hover over Time Tracker counter to pause it. In order to switch to another task, just drag & drop another task on the Time Tracker. The previous task remains halted in Time Tracker Queue.
In order to open Time Tracker queue, click on the arrow on the rights side of the Time Tracker.
Stop the Time Tracker
Once you finish your work on the task, just hover with your mouse over Time Tracker counter & press stop button.
Adjust time & save to Time Sheet
Revise whether time measured by Time Tracker is in order & save it to your Time Sheet.
Confirm your Time Sheet
By the end of the day (week/month), revise the time saved in your Time Sheet and send it for approval.
Just open your Time Sheet (Atollon > Time Sheet), select the time period (left), see whether all records are properly entered, add new lines, if needed & send all Time Sheet records for approval by pressing All (selected) for approval.