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Atollon Innovations 2012 (week 10)

New features

3277 - New Project Form wizard at "Projects and Folders" (for creating contacts, projects and folders and their relations)

S337 - Added support for ${SALUTATION} and ${SIGNATURE} to mass mail, only these tags are now supported

Bug fixes

3319 - Fixed displaying margin at price lists

2980 - Fixed opening web link from emails

3359 - Renaming milestone to phase at project management

3376 - Renaming "Start" to "Expected closure" in project tab sales oportunity

3362 - When user has not rights "rights" for project or folder, editation of responsible person is not visible for him

3364 - When user has not edit rights for project, folder or activity, status combobox is disabled

3344 - Fixed problem with displaying events in calendar, when some value is missing

3350 - Fixed problem with displaying multi-user events in calendar

3333 - Fixed problem with displaying subject older tasks when some kontext (project) was deleted

S322 - Fixed problem with default folder for mass mail