eShop Example
Using Atollon to bill/invoice eShop purchases How to use Atollon to quickly send invoices to eSh...
Create New Customer (Person)
First create new contact CreateContact (main.wsdl) Request <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="...
Create New Deal
First Create Project Folder CreateProject (project.wsdl) Request <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soa...
Create New Invoice
Create Invoice from Billing Items in For approval Status CreateInvoicesFromItems (invoice.wsdl) ...
Create Recurring Billing Request
On top of created project (deal), it is possible to create recurring billing request. See the do...
Execute Workflow Actions Immediately
In case your integration requires executing workflow actions immediately after your request, it ...
Create New Marketing Trigger
Marketing triggers are used to track any activity of the contact / public user, which have some m...