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Atollon Innovations 2011 (week 19)

New features

2820 - added button for work with attachment

2133 - finished applicant profile print feature

2105 - added messages filtering fields

Bug fixes

2805 - fixed problem with too long list at applicant print

2827 - fixed error at welcome screen

2811 - added form data to applicant profile print

2792 - fixed problem with signature at quick reply

2836 - fixed show sources at calendar

2824 - fixed Alphabet sorting at documents

2729 - allowed form filtering at reporting

2828 - fixed FLASH problem with diacritic in any browsers

2838 - fixed reporting problem with employer info

2839 - fixed reporting error with sorting with count

2727 - fixed problem with setting bipolar values at reporting

2739 - fixed problem with reminder falls

2858 - fixed problem at creating shift order