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Atollon Innovations 2018 (week 48)

New Features

  • Business Intelligence - new planning module, including multi-dimensional planning (optional module)


  • Contact - new GDPR online auto-update tool


  • Documents - new documents approval workflow


  • Issues - new module to track internal requests


  • Received Offers - new module to track incoming proposals & create purchase orders


  • Business Intelligence - now all configurations are dynamic, easy to add new views
  • Business Intelligence - it is possible to create custom calculated values
  • Contact - new features to track GDPR compliance
  • Contact - contact address UI improved - now enabling combinations of required/notrequired regions
  • Desktop - open application indicator added
  • Documents - it is possible to filter for document categories in contexts and the whole system
  • Documents - it is possible to filter for document validity
  • Documents - now the document context is visible at document preview
  • Documents - it is possible to upload documents into category & folder at the same time
  • Documents - it is possible to create document folders under Activity contexts
  • Finder - it is possible now to create new document folders under Activity
  • Finder - added warning on unsaved changes
  • Invoice - new controlling tool enables managers track finance in granular detail without changing invoice
  • Invoice - improved reporting for overdue invoices
  • Mail - added support for global signatures, incl. company logo
  • Messages - new icons indicating reference to message vs. original message
  • Messages - todo and shared mailbox message count added
  • Messages - improved message callout in the message detail
  • Recruitment - enhanced details for employment history
  • Recruitment - applicant profile now configurable (employment history and education fields)
  • Recruitment - job advertisements now allow to add Job Field + Position details
  • Recruitment - all marketing channels are enabled by default
  • Recruitment - new candidate profile print templates, incl. pictures
  • Recruitment - extend education information with particular School & date from ... to
  • Reporting - new option to report on activity forms
  • Sales - improved calculations of purchase prices based on sales price
  • Time Sheet - overview about selected lines added
  • Timeline - various improvements, incl. layout, nicer day separation, filtering, etc.
  • Timeline - added changes in context (folder, project, activity created or modified)
  • Timeline - opening various records details from timeline view
  • Workflow - enhanced custom scripting - run external scripts, etc.

Bug Fixes

  • Contact - fixed deleting contacts that were users after user was deleted
  • Dashboard - fixed adding new dashboard components
  • Finder - many small bug fixes
  • Finder - deleting folders fixed
  • Invoice - fixes in journals with inherited settings from other journals
  • Mail - it is possible to open electronically signed attachments now
  • Mail - it is possible to open specific Outlook-based attachments
  • Mass mail - problem with mass mailing from recruitment search results fixed
  • Message - content scrolling improved
  • Products - sorted by product name + fixed custom filters clearing
  • Recruitment - employments - now only one company can be primary
  • Reporting - problem with reports refresh fixed
  • Reporting - filtering custom forms fields fixed
  • Timeline - fixed labels for changes in project states

Business Intelligence Reports

  • Selection Procedure Phases - track consultant productivity and recruitment pipeline in detail, track how activities lead to revenues
  • Finance Current Status - track project revenues & costs, both internal & external