Removing Users Accounts
If you are atollon employee:
First of all ask client if he wants to temporary block user or remove his account.
Temporary block user account
in windows client
1a. Setting -> Access -> Users -> double click user -> set Active combo box to No.
- in web client
1b. Options and Tools -> Users -> double click user -> select "No" from active Radio Buttons
2. Redirect existing mail address
3. Send notice to atollon Office manager that there is change in number of users! - According to CPL send also info which branch this user appears to (cz/sk - you might know that from groups which it was before)
Permanently remove user account
in windows client
1. Setting -> user accounts -> double click user ->
a) set Active combo box to No,
b) change its passwords,
c). remove user from all groups and roles,
d) don't delete that user account.
2. Redirect existing mail address
3. Remove its mailbox.
4. Find user in contacts (you might see users contact name in users table under Setting -> Access -> Users -> Contact column)
a) right click that contact -> Edit -> go to tab Others,
b) remove relationship to System user by clicking the "C" button.
5. Send notice to atollon Office manager that there is change in number of users! - According to CPL send also info which branch this user appears to (cz/sk - you might know that from groups which he was before).
If you are atollon employee:
update numberFirst of onlineall licensesask onclient projectsif Atollonhe SPwants andto ASPtemporary contractblock underuser organizationor folder.remove his account.