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Folder Type Settings

This manual will show you how to create new Contact Folder Type


Folder is key placeholder for any data in Atollon (root) context. We usually use folders to store data about client (contact folder). Some implementations may utilise folder as root entity in case of Product (asset folder) or Construction project (simple folder).

Add New Folder Type


In web client Options & Tools > Context Settings you may add new Folder Type. Click on Folders section (top left) first and press Add button below.
The newly created Folder Type is (by default) Contact Folder Type. It is possible to create different Folder Types (Simple Folder & Asset), these are customizable only using Atollon Win Client.

Foder System Types
System type Explanation
Contact Folder Folder that is used to track all activities of any contact - person or company
User Contact folder that may also create user account in the system (this must be setup in Folder Template)
Asset Folder that tracks any activity regarding Product
Simple Just a folder that may mean anything - it is used mainly to share documents and other company data
Folder Categories

Folder categories are used to group various types of folders together. Some examples may be found in the table below:

Folder category Explanation
All clients All folder types that may represent clients (Leads, Prospects, Clients, Customers, Partners, etc.)
Suppliers All folder types that are available in invoicing on supplier side (Supplier, Partner, etc.)
Our Organization All folder types that may be (in invoicing) on the side of provider (Our Organization)

Custom form that is bound to Folder type should represent any data that are specific to given folder type (you may track something else when you deal with Leads, something else you will track with current Clients, etc.

Tracking Categories

You may set whether tracking category (Teams, Product Categories, etc.) will be set on the Folder level (either optional or required).


You can set new Folder numbering. The Numbering settings will pre-define what number will the new Folder have.

Select or Create Folder States (Client Life Cycle)


You should drag & drop at least one of the Available States to Assigned States.

Each state must be assinged to one of the "fixed" states: Initial, Active or Closed. Contacts in Closed state will (by default) not appear in Finder, they will be archived/filtered.

Conversion of folder types

You may setup that once the folder changes it's status (for example Lead contact will become a Client), you may change the folder type (ie from Lead to Client).

To do it, simply create new Folder status (ie "New client") and assign it to the folder, together with target Folder Template. Once your folder reaches desired status, it's type will change according to assigned Folder Template.

Create Contact Folder Type's Template

In order to enable users creating new Folders, there must at least one Folder Template exist that is allowed to be created in Root. Folders may also be created under different folders (as sub-folders). In such case, you must set-up Relations of the parent folder type and allow sub-folder (by their Folder Templates).


There must be at least one Contact Folder Type's Template. Usually it's name may be the same as the Folder Type Name.

When editing the Folder Template, you must select Initial Status.

Check "Can Be Root" to enable this Folder Template to be used in root level of Finder.

Check "Only One For Contact" to disallow creating several Folders of the same Type per one Contact.

Set Dimension: This may be used to pre-set controlling variable of the Contact based on this Folder Template.

Additional Attributes

You will need to adjust the following additional attributes for Contact Folder Template:

1.) Go to menu: Settings > Account & Project > Account Templates
2.) Select & open newly created Contact Folder Type's Template
3.) Select Form (in Case you want a Custom Form to be used for each new Contact based on the same Template
4.) Select Contact type: Person or Company (select what contact will be created, when creating new Contact directly from Finder)
5.) User Template: select based on which User Template the user will be created (once the Person or Company should have access to your Atollon)
6.) New subject rights: Access Rights Customization (only if you want to customize Access Rights to all Contact Folders created based on this Contact Folder Template)