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Atollon Innovations 2021 (week 22)
New Features
- New application view for tracking sales activity, includes (above other improvements) clear indication about next step or marketing activity in your sales progress

E-mail and print templates
- It is possible to setup custom print templates or documents to be generated based on context type (client, project, activity) or based on invoice journal (estimate, orders, invoices, etc.)
- New generic document printouts are localised into several languages - output of estimate, invoice, etc. can be generated in language of the recipient
- Each document template may have own e-mail template, if needed when sending the document electronically

- Set first day of the week to Monday (currently it was just Sunday)
- It is possible to send document by e-mail directly from document library. This applies to both regular documents and images in Gallery
- It is possible to Drag & Drop document into document library from your desktop
- It is also possible to move documents by mouse between folders and contexts
- It is possible to drag & drop attachments to e-mail not just from your desktop, but also from your Atollon document library
- It is possible to Empty trash by one mouse click only
- It is possible to delete mailboxes now (previously they could just be disabled)
- Now it is possible to load data into custom form - ie load address of selected client contact within custom form
- New application installer - it checks for new versions and upgrades automatically, no need to ask your IT admin any more.
Faster application load - we improved speed by about 10 seconds (now login should load within 6 - 8 seconds)
- Improved layout of billing request detail
- Product types are now sorted by alphabet
- When changing project type, it is possible to change or add project number now
- When listing projects and folders, created and modified date and time are available
Service Activities
- It is possible now to Save & open the activity at the same time (try also using Shift+Enter on Save button)
- Added refresh on context-based timeline view
- Added filtering and displaying marketing triggers
Timer Services
- Now some services must be configured to run automatically (incl. Billing generation)
Bug Fixes
- New Group / Role has proper rights setup (no need to configure their rights manually)
Billing, finance
- Fixed nasty bug when tracking categories (dimensions & user teams) were not loaded properly
- Fixed icons in full-size messages list mode
- Show message preview both side / bottom fixed
- Allowed sorting message templates
- Fixed full-text search results in desktop app
- Fixed documents indexing for fulltext search (PDF)
- Create or update Folder now does not add unnecessary NULL into refId or description fields
- Invoice attachments now inherit rights from invoice itself (not from context, where invoice is placed)
- Fine-tuning invoice document (PDF) preview
Product Administration
- Selecting codebooks in product types configuration improved
- Fixed mass responsible user changes on projects and folders on top of reports results
- Fixed XLS export from reports (need to reduce no. of characters to 150)
- Expanding first item in reports results fixed (when report results were grouped)
Service Activities
- It is possible to sort service activities collection now