Options & Tools Access
We display settings in Options & Tools menu based on user access rights to particular setting. The following list describes most of the setting options and what rights the user must have to see these settings. This information is necessary for administrators to set-up settings visibility properly for all users.
Settings visibility
Settings Option | Who can see | What node is checked |
VAT | verify access rights (Edit) | FINANCESETTINGSNODE |
Work Contract Type | verify access rights (Edit) | WORKCONTRACTSNODE |
Wage Price List | verify access rights (Edit) | PROJECTPRICINGNODE |
Wage Type | verify access rights (Edit) | WAGEREPORTNODE |
Mailboxes | verify access rights (Edit) | MAILBOXESNODE |
Message Templates | verify access rights (Edit) | MESSAGETEMPLATESNODE |
Add Group Category | verify access rights (Edit) | DISTRIBUTIONGROUPCATEGORYNODE |
Profiles | show to Admin only | |
Registers | show to Admin only | |
View | verify access rights (Edit) | VIEWSETTINGSNODE |
Activity Panel Presets | verify access rights (Edit) | ACTIVITYPANELNODE |
Activity Panel | verify access rights (Edit) | ACTIVITYPANELNODE |
Context | verify access rights (Edit) | SUBJECTTYPENODE |
Users | verify access rights (Edit) | USERNODE |
Background | show to Admin only | |
Dimension Settings | verify access rights (Edit) | DIMENSIONSNODE |
Workflow Actions | verify access rights (Edit) | WORKFLOWSETTINGSNODE |
Workflow Filters | verify access rights (Edit) | WORKFLOWSETTINGSNODE |
Workflow | verify access rights (Edit) | WORKFLOWSETTINGSNODE |
International | show to all | |
Manage Print Templates | show to Admin only | |
About Lagoon | show to all | |
Logger | show to all | |
Event Workflow | verify access rights (Edit) | TASKWORKFLOWNODE |
Resource Categories | verify access rights (Edit) | RESOURCE_NODE |
Task Escalation | verify access rights (Edit) | TASK_ESCALATION_NODE |
Task Templates | verify access rights (Edit) | SCHEDULERTEMPLATETASK |
Task Workflow | verify access rights (Edit) | TASKWORKFLOWNODE |
Time Sheet Coefficient | verify access rights (Edit) | TIMESHEETCOEFFICIENTNODE |
Advanced Time Sheet Type | verify access rights (Edit) | SCHEDREPORTTYPENODE |
Type of Work on Context | verify access rights (Edit) | TYPEOFWORK |
Type of Work | verify access rights (Edit) | TYPEOFWORK |
Request Tracking Accounts | verify access rights (Edit) | REQUESTTRACKINGNODE |
Severity | verify access rights (Edit) | SLASETTINGSNODE |
Service Level Agreement | verify access rights (Edit) | SLASETTINGSNODE |
Service Hours | verify access rights (Edit) | SLASETTINGSNODE |
Product Price List | verify access rights (Edit) | ITEMPRICINGNODE |
Item | verify access rights (Edit) | PRODUCTSETTINGSNODE |
Applications Settings | verify access rights (Edit) | USERPROFILENODE |
Form Manager | verify access rights (Edit) | FORMADMINNODE |