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Modules Registry

List of module idents that can be used to store it's own settings (as part of the Features module).

newpioneer=# select * from features_modules ;
    id     |         modulename         |                moduleid
  97141000 | Atollon Tasks              | com.atollon.scheduler.tasks
  97142000 | Atollon Timesheets         | com.atollon.scheduler.timesheet
  97143000 | Atollon Activity panel     | com.atollon.project.activitypanel
  97144000 | Atollon Views              | com.atollon.features.views
 112099000 | Atollon Task Workflow      | com.atollon.scheduler.workflow.task
 112100000 | Atollon Event Workflow     | com.atollon.scheduler.workflow.event
 112101000 | Atollon Issue Workflow     | com.atollon.scheduler.workflow.issue
 114529000 | Atollon Messages           | com.atollon.messaging.messages
 114533000 | Atollon Contact            |
 114534000 | Atollon Document           | com.atollon.core.document
 114535000 | Atollon Features           | com.atollon.core.features
 114536000 | Atollon Finder             | com.atollon.core.finder
 114537000 | Atollon Form               | com.atollon.core.form
 114538000 | Atollon Project            | com.atollon.core.project
 114539000 | Atollon User               | com.atollon.core.user
 114540000 | Atollon Budget             |
 114541000 | Atollon Invoice            |
 114542000 | Atollon Order              |
 114543000 | Atollon Item               |
 114544000 | Atollon Billing            |
 114545000 | Atollon Desktop            | com.atollon.lagoon.desktop
 114546000 | Atollon General            | com.atollon.lagoon.general
 114547000 | Atollon TaskBar            | com.atollon.lagoon.taskBar
 114548000 | Atollon Dashboard          | com.atollon.lagoon.dashboard
 114549000 | Atollon MassMessage        | com.atollon.messaging.massMessage
 114550000 | Atollon Applicant          | com.atollon.recruitment.applicant
 114551000 | Atollon Vacancies          | com.atollon.recruitment.vacancies
 114552000 | Atollon Search             |
 114553000 | Atollon Events             |
 114554000 | Atollon Issues             | com.atollon.scheduler.issues
 114555000 | Atollon TSValuation        | com.atollon.scheduler.TSValuation
 114556000 | Atollon Workers            | com.atollon.temporary.workers
 114557000 | Atollon Staffing           | com.atollon.temporary.staffing
 114558000 | Atollon ShiftOrder         | com.atollon.temporary.shiftOrder
 114559000 | Atollon Wage               | com.atollon.temporary.wage
 114560000 | Atollon Advanced TimeSheet | com.atollon.temporary.advancedTimeSheet
 114561000 | Atollon Reporting          | com.atollon.utils.reporting
 114562000 | Atollon Recruitment Search |
 114563000 | Atollon Desktop            | com.atollon.core.desktop
 130388000 | Atollon Scheduler Settings | com.atollon.scheduler.settings
 130389000 | Atollon Items              | com.atollon.item.items
(41 rows)