Atollon Innovations 2014 (week 31)
New features
- New module: Atollon Call Centre
- Billing: New invoice approval workflow
- Finance: Management controlling
- Finance: Loading exchange rates automatically
- Messages: Auto-forwarding messages to external e-mail addresses
- Recruitment: sorting web vacancies based on Valid from date
- Billing: Recurring Fees - complete overview
- Billing: Recurring Fees - highlighting items that don't generate any Billing Items
- Billing: Show (General Ledger) account numbers in combo fields
- Billing: New workflow: rejecting Time Sheets
- Billing: New workflow: auto-billing any items connected to closed Activity
- Billing: Auto reusing omited serial numbers
- Received Invoices: changed rounding to 2 decimals
- Estimates: Possible to manually sort rows
- Calendar: Added copy event functionality
- Calendar: Added spinner for events loading
- Finance: Added rate date into currency rates settings
- Finance: Editing numbering for invocies, projects, etc.
- Finance: Editing sequences / last number used
- Messages: Added "Dial" functionality into Phone Call record
- Messages: Possibility to send new request using Atollon Touch
- Messages: Added spinner on loading messages
- Messages: Hidden buttons that have no current meaning
- Contact: Fixed loading / saving contact groups agains accidental non-saving
- Contact: Fixed saving Birth Date
- Finder: Preventing opening the same window several times
- Finder: Contact preview optimized
- Finder: Added "Last contact date" to the header
- Finder: Improved editing Note in Finder header
- Reporting: Added tooltip on report description
- Reporting: Added mass responsible user change on folders,projects
- Reporting: Added mass status change for projects & folders
- Calendar: Rights checking before saving the Task
- Recruitment: Moved selection procedures preview to the bottom
- Recruitment: Applicant preview optimized
- Time Sheet: Fixed rounding of Expenses to 2 decimals
- Time Sheet: Valuation performance improved
- Workflow: Mass client status updates trigger workflow actions
Bug fixes
Server printing: Fixed using larger print templates
New features
- Billing & Invoicing: Possibility to send Invoice with Time Sheet attachment together from Draft invoices
- General: User password has more strict rules + it's change can be enforced after next login
- Mass Mail: Possibility to enter / delete distribution group categories (folders for better group organization)
- Mass Mail: Possibility to add / remove contact distribution groups
- Finder: Contact preview added to the Finder folder's header
- Billing & Invoicing: Improvements in editing recurring fees (required fields, hints, entering merge fields)
- Billing & Invoicing: Added new filters for Billing Items (by Product, Activity type, Project type)
- Billing & Invoicing: Automatically adding Delivery contact address, if available in contact
- Billing & Invoicing: Added indication about items (from Time Sheets) that have been created automatically during Draft creation
- Billing & Invoicing: Removed restriction about Free quantity in Billing Items (now any combination of Unit Price x Price vs. Free Qty + Fixed Fee works)
- Billing & Invoicing: Added indication of billing period into Time Sheet or Invoice print
- Contacts: Added option to quickly create new contact + folder (Client, Partner, Applicant, etc.)
- Contacts: Improved identification whether contact has folder or not in the list of contacts
- Finder: Better performance of opening projects on large databases (hunderts thousands of projects)
- Project: Better performance of selecting responsible users
- Recruitment: Better performance of Applicants listing
- Recruitment: Rewritten selection of locations (now possible to search by ZIP code)
- Recruitment: Unified view on applicant from both Finder & Applicants database
- Recruitment: Automated labelling of CV document type in Applicant's document upload (both Finder and Applicants database)
- Recruitment: Added basic recruitment workflow -> relation of Selection Procedure status to project status settings (requires set-up)
- Recruitment: Vacancy status in Vacancies overview is identified by color
- Time Sheet: Improved performance of Time Sheet listing
Bug fixes
- Billing & Invoicing: Fix filtering on billing items
- Contacts: Fixed selecting primary contact information
- Expenses: Quantity of expense may now be entered with decimals
- Recruitment: Fixed refresh of recent employments after their update in contacts
- General: When export is forbidded, export options are no longer available