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Atollon Innovations 2010 (week 50)

New features

2531 - now is possible edit Timesheet created from Stuffing
2521 - now is possible use multi-delete of tasks
2556 - add control in Invoices for duplicates invoices
2573 - translated fields at Candidate search
2563 - changed font in task description
2568 - system accept only numbers and special symbols for Reg. No.
2567 - added date of last change at contacts.
2569 - added 160 max. chars limit for creating SMS
2570 - added notify for ident what is html or plaintext mail template
2590 - Time sheets, there was changed calculation of times, now when you edit starting date and time - the ending time is recalculated by duration
2546 - changed layout of show/hide sidebar
2577 - created placement list application
2342 - now is possible create new communication to external contacts at projects by double-click
2575 - created vacancy list application
2244 - now is possible create sub-activity
2305 - added link to the manual by language setting
2133 - added print of applicant card (from skills)

Bug fixes

2583 - fixed Billing date at Budget if it is created from Estimates
2580 - fixed problem with icons at recruitments applications
2530 - fixed problem with advaced timesheets and calendar
2574 - fixed problem with Timesheets - list after editing
2510 - fixed problem with save external contact at project
2555 - fixed some problems with WorkFlow
2385 - fixed problem or refresh at timesheets
2194 - fixed problem with calendar date
2553 - removed problem at deleting external contact
2526 - fixed some problems at creating new subject
2551 - fixed problem at subtotal in timesheets
2425 - fixed problem at editing skills
2487 - fixed problem with french chars at mail
2528 - fixed problem with Saving skills notice